When You Fall Into Love

Fall into love now. Let it cover you, let it overwhelm you, let it flow through you, let it sing through you.

“O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you, my body longs for you, in a dry and weary land where there is no water. I have seen you in the sanctuary and beheld your power and your glory. Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify You” (Psalm 63:1-3).

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When you begin a conversation with God, where do you usually start? 

And when He begins a conversation with you, where does He usually start?

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I have found that more than any other topic, God loves to remind us of His love for us. He tells us, over and over again, in immeasurable ways, there is nothing we need more. 

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To begin our encounter, find a comfortable place where you can be quiet. Let’s start with deep breaths, feeling your lungs expand and contract with air. You might feel your shoulders rise slightly as you inhale, then gently fall as you exhale. Consider closing your eyes and placing your hands on your lap, palms up, and your feet flat on the floor. Continue breathing evenly and deeply in this posture for a few minutes, aware of your body’s presence in this space. 

Then, turn your attention away from your body and bring awareness to your emotions. Try to name what you are feeling. Describe your feelings to God. (Are you relaxed or anxious? Are you peace-filled or agitated? Are you happy? Sad? Angry? Jealous? Depressed? Annoyed?)

Lord, I am feeling…..

Stay here for a moment, allowing yourself to be aware of how you are feeling. Then, create space in your heart to hear if there is anything God wants to say to you in response. 

Lord, I hear you say…

Next, turn your attention to Psalm 63:1-3. Read it a few times–perhaps once silently, letting your heart absorb the meaning of the words. Then, read it aloud again, listening to the words and noticing if any word or phrase stands out to you more than others. Finally, read it at least once more, praying these words to God.

“O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you, my body longs for you, in a dry and weary land where there is no water. I have seen you in the sanctuary and beheld your power and your glory. Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify You” (Psalm 63:1-3).

Then, consider these questions:

  • In what way are you eager to seek God? In what specific ways is your soul thirsting for Him? 

  • What is the landscape of your life right now? In what way do you feel dry and weary, in need of help and water?

  • How have you seen God in your life today? How do you see Him in this moment? What does it look like for you to glorify Him?

What do you hear God speaking to your heart through those verses?

Lord, I hear you…

Next, as we engage with God, let us focus on His love. How are you allowing Him to love you right now?

Lord, I can feel You loving me….It looks/feels/sounds like this…

Now, what if He asked you the question below? 

“You want to know me, understand me, be with me? Why?”

What is your response?

Lord, this is what I want to know….

And next, let your heart stay with Him, attentive and open to where He guides you. In prayer with God in preparation for this encounter, this is what I heard and wanted to share with you:

“To love yourself, be loved by Me.
To love the world, be loved by Me.
To love another person, be loved by Me.

You are incapable of true love unless you let yourself be loved by Me.

Fall into love now. Let it cover you, let it overwhelm you, let it flow through you, let it sing through you.

Everyone is desperate for love–desperate to feel love, be loved, and love. Not one thing matters if it is not grounded in, motivated by, fueled by love.

Let me love you so you can love. Let me love you so your heart, so hurt, is quieted. Let me hold you in my love so what you see and run to calls back your name. Let my love bring color to moments of frustration and hurt. 

My love is power. It is your agency. It is your breath. It is how you speak, move, and sing.

Sing me a love song. Sing with your life’s love as the map for each note. I love you. I love you. I love you. You are all I want. You are not missing anything–but love. And I am (love, here it is!)–all you want and need.”

Stay here with Him, dear one. Let your heart receive His words. These are all for you.


Worship Ideas:

  • “Come Up Here, ” Dave & Nicole Binion, Rita Springer & Abbie Gamboa

  • “Breathe on Me, Breath of God,” Worship Initiative, Hannah Hardin

  • “Hold Me Jesus,” Bellesburg Sessions, Sara Groves


To Be A Servant and Free


Being Home, Be-ing with God