Loop Devotional & Encounters

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All That A Year Holds

At this transition from one year to the next, Lord, shall I look back and reflect? Or shall I look ahead? First, I want to be present.

* * *

The questions below are what I heard in response to the above prayer. I felt Holy Spirit leading us in reflecting on this past year and dreaming, with him, about the year ahead.

Jesus is the one doing the inviting—the asking. He is leading this Encounter.

Are you in?

Things to Think about:

You can do this Encounter in one sitting or over several days. Some questions might feel challenging, and your heart might need some extra room to know how to respond. Don’t be afraid. Let Jesus guide you through each question; he will set for you the right pace.

So, if you find a question too difficult to answer right now, practice kindness, patience, and gentleness with yourself. This is not an activity to be approached alone. Lean on Jesus’ help as you dig deep to respond.

There are no right and wrong answers. He is with you, and you can trust him.

Let him lead, ask, and invite.

It will be so worth it.

While the questions below are offered in the order in which they were received, and you might feel like approaching each one, in that order, Jesus might suggest a completely different rhythm. Trust his pace. Be open to his leading.

This is going to be good.


Go to a quiet place where you can be undisturbed for at least 45 minutes. (You will need more time to answer each of these questions, but blocks of 45 minutes would be a good place to start.)

Empty your hands, placing them in your laps, palms up. Take deep breaths with your eyes closed.

(Inhale) Jesus, I love you.
(Exhale) I give you my heart.

Surrender to Jesus all your fears, worries, and expectations.

Jesus, guide me. I consecrate my mind and bring all of me—my mind, my thoughts, my ideas—under your authority. Lead me. Help me to hear your voice. Open my heart. Amen.

Remember that this is a conversation—and each of the questions below are invitations from Holy Spirit to engage with Jesus’ heart. Trust Jesus to open your heart and lead you, step by step, deeper into him.

The Questions:

  • What did this past year hold that brought deep satisfaction?

  • In what way did you experience joy?

  • As I walked with you, where did you see me most? What was the context?

  • When did you feel peace? And when did you feel it taken away?

  • How did you get to know me more this year? What part of my personality did you discover for the first time?

  • In what way did I surprise you?

  • In what situation did I bring you comfort or deep rest?

  • What new revelation about yourself did I show you this year?

  • In what circumstance did you battle shame? And when did you feel overtaken by it? How did you see me work then?

  • Where did I bring rescue?

  • When did you need me most?

  • How did I disappoint you?

  • When were you most afraid? How did I show up in the midst of your fear? How did you expect or desire for me to show up but it felt like I didn’t?

  • How have I drawn you deeper toward myself, toward knowing me?

  • How have you wanted to go on an adventure with me—felt me inviting you into something now—but you have been afraid?

  • What new thing am I drawing you to now?

  • When we are together—when you remember my closeness—what has made you smile?

  • What deep longing is in your heart? How do you say yes to—and acknowledge—this longing, and how do you ignore it?

  • In what way have I stirred your imagination?

  • How have I stretched you to discover something new about yourself—some deep strength—that you previously didn’t know you had?

  • What is your favorite thing for the two of us to do together?

  • How do I draw you inward to know yourself—and me—better? And how do I draw you outward—toward action—where your fear is put aside, laid down, and you trust in me?

  • How have I taught you resilience?

  • How have I taught you peace?

  • How have I taught you stewardship of your gifts?

  • How have I taught you kindness and empathy?

  • How have I taught you patience?

  • How have I taught you faith?

  • What is making you sad lately?

  • What is making you happy, content, grounded in a moment—in space and time?

  • How are you hungry for learning? (What do you want to learn?)

  • How are you hungry for wisdom? (What do you wonder about and want the answers to?)

  • What new skill do you want me to teach you?

  • How have you become cynical?

  • How have you become sad?

  • How have you become angry?

  • How have you become desperate?

  • How have you regularly experienced feeling overwhelmed? What new rhythm of living would you like me to show you and teach you?

  • When do you most feel like my child? When do you feel far from that truth?

  • When, in what circumstances, do you feel optimistic, empowered, encouraged, like anything is possible?

  • In what circumstances do you most often encounter feelings of fear, powerlessness, and doubt?

  • What were your favorite moments—and what were your worst moments—of this past year? What do you want this new year to hold?

  • How did you experience beauty this past year? What do you want to be beautiful this new year?

  • What moments this past year were most difficult? How did you experience me caring for you and holding your heart?

  • Why feels unsettled in your heart about his past year? What circumstances feel unresolved?

  • What relationships am I drawing you towards?

  • What relationships am I inviting you to reconsider or walk away from?

  • What work am I inviting you to pursue—work that we can do together?

  • What does deep rest look like, going forward?

  • What new experience are you longing to have?

  • How have I taught you surrender this past year?

  • How do you need my help to surrender more?

  • What has scared you most this past year? How will you give that fear to me in the year ahead?

  • How am I inviting you to dream with me?

  • How do you most want to grow this year? And in what way, this past year, did you enjoy practicing being who you are?

  • What do you love most about who I’ve made you to be?

  • What do you want to discover this next year—about people, the world, me, and your own heart?

  • How shall we dedicate this new year together?

  • How shall we begin each day? How shall we end it?

  • What promise of mine came true for you this past year?

  • What do I promise you as we turn toward this new year?


Worship Ideas:

“Awake My Soul,” Hillsong Worship, Tasha Cobbs Leonard

“Into Faith I Go,” Pat Barrett

“So Will I (100 Billion X)”: Benjamin William Hastings

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